Use Remote Desktop from a Mac

Note: The current Microsoft Remote Desktop program only run on 10.13 High Sierra and higher, an easy way to check your operating system version is to click the Apple icon in the top left corner and select about this mac.

Connecting Remotely 

You’ll need to make sure you have a copy of the remote file from the office, when you save it to your mac machine make sure it is somewhere easy to find, the desktop works well


To get connected remotely via a Mac device the first thing you’ll need to download the app first, it can be found by going to the app store and searching “Microsoft remote desktop”


Once you have downloaded the app you’ll want to open it and select the Connections drop down menu at the top, go down to select “Import from RDP File” then select the remote file you got from your work machine


The file will show up in the program, double click the icon and it will launch the remote connection. There will be a prompt asking for a username and password, this would be the username and password you use to login to your machine physically.


You should be connected to the machine remotely now, if you need to adjust your display settings or setup a redirected device you can see the article below which will explain it

Edit RD Settings on Mac

How did we do?

Change your RD Gateway URL (Windows)

Use Remote Desktop on a mobile device
