Edit Remote Desktop settings on Windows 10

Cloud Collective Support Updated by Cloud Collective Support

Editing RDS settings in Microsoft Remote Desktop


Display Settings

To access display settings for your RDP shortcut you’ll want to right-click the shortcut icon then select edit. Once we click edit, we’ll be presented with some tabs, click into the Display tab

From here we have access to all the display settings, it is usually best to use “Default for this display” for the resolution

If you have multiple monitors and want your remote connection to cover all your monitors you’ll want to check the “Use all monitors”

If you want it to start fullscreen tick the “Start session in fullscreen”


Device Redirection

If you need to setup device redirection for a printer or speakers, you’ll want to click the “Devices & Audio” tab, you’ll be presented with a bunch of boxes to tick. Keep in mind the server needs to support redirection for these devices. If you are unsure if it’s supported, you can give us a call or send an email to support@cloudcollective.com and we’ll be able to tell you.

Also, if you are going to be using a webcam and microphone for a meeting, you’ll want to do that locally, connecting to remote adds another jump into the connection and will cause you to have a drop in call quality

If you’re going to need sound from your remote, you’ll want select on this computer from the “Play sound” drop down

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Edit Remote Desktop settings in Microsoft Remote Desktop 10
