Email From Myself?


I sent myself an email that says I was hacked?


Due to a very aggressive phishing/extortion campaign, you may see an email in your inbox that appears to be sent internally from yourself.

If you are using Proofpoint as an anti-spam service and your Daily Digest report shows an email like this, block and delete or ignore it to let proofpoint take care of it.

If this message appears in your inbox and you are NOT on Proofpoint, delete the message.

Quick wins for determining if the email is legit

1. Does it say SPAM in the subject line? Most likely spam

2. Does the email claim to have caught you on pornographic sites? Most likely Spam

3. Does the email show a previously used password? This email was compromised in a data breach and these were the credentials gathered. Most likely spam

4. Does the email show your current password? Change your password ASAP and see point 3.

For further readings visit:

It is nearly impossible to stop these kinds of emails from arriving. Never click links, download attachments or run macros in Word because an email says that you should.

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