Recognize and Report Phishing/Scam Emails

Andy Luu Updated by Andy Luu

How to recognize phishing & scam emails

Here are some common signs:

  • Urgent language. Messages that create a sense of immediacy.
  • First time senders or senders marked as [External].
  • Spelling and bad grammar.
  • Mismatched email domains.
  • Suspicious links and attachments.

What to do if you receive one of these emails

If you are confident you have received a phishing email, use the "Report Message" button in the ribbon and select Phishing from the drop-down menu. This will send the email to Microsoft to help improve their filters so that you see fewer similar emails in the future.

If you are not sure or you are on the fence whether an email is malicious or not, forward the email to CloudCollective, where a technician will review the email to determine if it is safe or not.

What to do if you think you have been successfully phished

If you are suspicious that you may have inadvertently fallen for a phishing attack, please call CloudCollective at 604-239-2182. Our technicians will work with you to confirm the attack and work on next steps to lock and recover the account.

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