Introduction to AutoElevate

Cloud Collective Support Updated by Cloud Collective Support

AutoElevate is a software feature designed to streamline user experiences and enhance system security. It helps users and administrators by automating certain tasks that require elevated permissions or administrative access on a computer or network. By following the guidelines in this help guide, users can make the most of AutoElevate while maintaining a secure and productive computing environment.

Benefits of AutoElevate

AutoElevate offers several benefits:

  • Improved User Efficiency: Users can perform administrative tasks without needing to contact IT support, saving time and reducing downtime.
  • Enhanced Security: AutoElevate ensures that users only gain elevated access when necessary, reducing the risk of misuse or unauthorized changes.
  • Streamlined Workflow: The process of requesting and granting elevated privileges becomes seamless, minimizing disruptions to regular work.

How AutoElevate Works

AutoElevate works by enabling specific users to request elevated permissions when needed. Here's a simplified overview of how it operates:

  1. User Request: When a user encounters a task that requires administrative access (e.g., installing software, configuring system settings), they initiate a request through the AutoElevate system.

  1. Approval Process: The request is routed to designated administrators or decision-makers who review and approve/deny the request. If we don't approve your request in time a ticket will automatically be created.
  2. Elevation: If approved, AutoElevate grants the user temporary elevated privileges, allowing them to perform the necessary task.
  3. Task Completion: The user completes the task that requires elevated access.
  4. Privilege Revocation: Once the task is done, AutoElevate automatically revokes the elevated privileges, returning the user to their standard access level.

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