How to Setup Email Rules for a Shared Mailbox

Cloud Collective Support Updated by Cloud Collective Support


The purpose of this guide is to assist users who are looking to setup rules for a shared mailbox they monitor. These rules will also be visible to others who have access to the mailbox.

Steps to Creating a Rule

  1. Start by logging into Outlook on the Web
  2. Once signed into your Microsoft account, click on your initials in the top right and click on "Open another mailbox"
  3. Enter in the name of the mailbox you wish to setup the email rules for and hit "Open"
  4. Once in the shared mailbox, head back to the top right and select the gear icon
  5. In the settings, go to the "Mail" tab and then select "Rules"
  6. To start a new rule hit "Add new rule"
  7. The window will change into the rule builder and from there you can customize your rule to your needs
  8. Once you've gotten your rule setup, hit "Save"

Note: Checking off the "Stop processing more rules" option will prevent other rules setup previously to stop running. If there are rules already in place please consider if this new rule needs to go through any other checks.

  1. After you have hit save, the rules should start working right away. You can always send a test email to the shared mailbox to confirm you have got it right


If there are any issues setting up an email rule, please feel free to contact us at 604-239-2182 or emailing us at

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