File Naming Best Practices

Cloud Collective Support Updated by Cloud Collective Support

File Names

  1. Short and Descriptive: Keep file names concise and descriptive, so they convey the content or purpose of the file without being overly long.
  2. Avoid Special Characters: Avoid using special characters like &, %, #, $, *, etc., as they can add unnecessary length to the file name and may cause syncing issues.
  3. Limit Spaces: Minimize the use of spaces in file names. Use underscores (_) or hyphens (-) instead of spaces to separate words.
  4. Use Alphanumeric Characters: Stick to alphanumeric characters (letters and numbers) and basic punctuation (hyphens, underscores, periods) to ensure compatibility.
  5. Shorten Dates: If dates are essential in file names, use a shortened format like "YYYY-MM-DD" to save characters.
  6. Abbreviations: Consider using abbreviations for common words to reduce the length. For example, "Mktg" instead of "Marketing"

For Folder Names:

  1. Hierarchy Planning: Design a clear and concise folder hierarchy. Avoid creating deep nested folders, as this can quickly add to the path length.
  2. Short Folder Names: Keep folder names reasonably short and meaningful. Use abbreviations when appropriate, but ensure they are easily understood by others.
  3. Avoid Repetition: Avoid repeating folder names within the path. Each folder name should contribute to the hierarchy and context.
  4. Use of Numbers: Use numbers sparingly in folder names, and if needed, use them at the beginning or end to minimize their impact on the path length.
  5. Limit Subfolders: Limit the number of subfolders within a folder to avoid excessively long paths.
  6. Review Existing Paths: Regularly review and audit your folder structure and file names to identify and shorten paths that may have become too long over time.

General Tips:

  1. Consider SharePoint's Own Naming Guidelines: Familiarize yourself with Microsoft's SharePoint naming guidelines, as they may have specific recommendations or restrictions based on your organization's settings.
  2. Use Document Libraries: SharePoint document libraries can help manage files with longer names, as they often provide a shorter path compared to folders.
  3. Rename Files When Necessary: If you encounter a file with an exceptionally long name, consider renaming it to a shorter, more concise version.
  4. Educate Users: Ensure that all users in your organization are aware of these naming conventions and best practices to maintain consistency.

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