
​IT Support Guide

How to get Support. Those seeking help with IT support requests by one of the below means for a guaranteed response. Support Email: Please send an email to support@cloudco…

Alfred Chan
Updated by Alfred Chan

​How to access the service desk portal

Overview. If you need to make a request for anything such as creating a new user account for a new employee, deactivating a user account or requesting a new computer. You'll be able to do this via ou…

Alfred Chan
Updated by Alfred Chan

Introduction to AutoElevate

AutoElevate is a software feature designed to streamline user experiences and enhance system security. It helps users and administrators by automating certain tasks that require elevated permissions…

Cloud Collective Support
Updated by Cloud Collective Support

File Naming Best Practices

File Names. Short and Descriptive: Keep file names concise and descriptive, so they convey the content or purpose of the file without being overly long. Avoid Special Characters: Avoid using special…

Cloud Collective Support
Updated by Cloud Collective Support
