Strategies for managing maximum file length limits

Maximum File length limits

All file systems supported by Windows use the concept of files and directories to access data stored on a disk or device.

A legacy setting in Microsoft operating systems, MAX_PATH, has been causing an increasingly common problem for our clients. Starting with Windows 95, Microsoft introduced the ability to create long file names. Then and now, there was an absolute limit to the length of a file name of 260 characters which includes the entire file path. 

Since from the operating system’s perspective the file name includes the entire path, users have been routinely exceeding the long file name length. 

e.g., D:\client full name\date and PO number\other information\specific project\part number\document title that contains all the information in the folders above.docx

Here are some strategies for dealing with lengthy file names:

  • When possible leave out spaces or any kind of special characters as these eat up characters and contribute to longer than necessary file names.
    • Shorten D:\client full name\PO 1234\part number 896 to D:\Client\PO1234\part896
  • Keep folder names short, six characters of less. Since folder names get added to the filename character count, the effect of a long folder name gets multiplied across every file within it.
  • Flatten directory structures and keep them no  more than three deep. Again every successive folder name in a path adds characters (including the back slashes) to the filename. Keeping the hierarchy of folders flat helps to reduce the file name length.
    • If your folder contains files with extremely long names, such as research articles with bibliography info in the document name, create a folder in the root of the file share called D:\research and move the files with long names there
  • Use shorter file names. The most common problem we see in clients using long names - such as full postal addresses for folders and filenames. The extra-long names are meaningful, but quickly eat up the 260 character maximum. Either use shorter client names or use abbreviations to keep file names short, no more than 20 characters.
    • We would recommend you truncate exceptionally long file names and remove spaces and special characters from those file names to save on character length restrictions.
    • This can be done by right click and "edit" the file name and / or using "save as" when first saving the document and adjusting the file name at that time.
  • There is a utility we can use to assist with renaming large groups of files in batches prior to migrating files from a service without a max character restriction such as Google Drive or

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