Onedrive and Known Folder Move (KFM)

Cloud Collective Support Updated by Cloud Collective Support

Known Folder Move (KFM)

Known Folder Move, or KFM, is a policy in OneDrive that syncs your Desktop folder, Document folder, and Picture Folder to OneDrive.

Once the files are synced to OneDrive, the files will be accessible through the network by simply logging in to OneDrive.

What does this mean for the users?

Moving forward, you want to make sure you save your files in the following locations or else your files won't be saved to the cloud.

  • Document Folder
  • Desktop Folder
  • Picture Folder
  • OneDrive Folder

Now What?

Now that your files are saved to the cloud, you can now access your files anywhere as long as you have internet.

File Restore & Backups

Another thing to mention that now the files are saved to the cloud. Files saved to the cloud will be automatically backed up by CloudCollective, and any accidental deletions can be restored.

If you need to restore a file, please submit a ticket to CloudCollective with the file name and last location of the item needing to be restored.

If you have any questions, feel free to send us an email at or call us at our support line, (604) 239-2182.

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