Installing Microsoft Teams on Android

Cloud Collective Support Updated by Cloud Collective Support

1. Open the Play Store app on the Android device:



2. Then click search, and type in, Microsoft Teams:

3. Once the search finds Teams and it is opened this is the screen that will allow you to download and install Teams:


4. Once it is installed, the Teams app icon will look like this:

5. Open the app, and you will be prompted to Sign in, use your email address and domain password:


6. Click Next through the explanation screens:



7. Once you are through the explanation screens, the Teams screen will be displayed, along with access to use: ActivityChatCalls, and Files:


8. In the upper-left hand corner is the icon to click for user information and Settings:


9. Within the Settings is where user's can change NotificationsDark themeProfileSign out, etc.:

If you are stuck or need further assistance, please feel free to reach out to us!

How did we do?

Installing Microsoft Teams on iOS

Outlook App Setup on Android
