Quarantine Digests Explained

The quarantine digest is an automatically generated report which contains a detailed list of items currently present in your email Quarantine. The emails in this report have been as spam or malicious and blocked from delivering to your Inbox. Occasionally there might be a false positive so it is good practice to regularly check these digest emails.

Beside each message there are 4 actions, you don’t need perform an action every time. By default it will automatically delete the message from your quarantine after 30 days.

  • Preview - allowing the user to preview the message that was quarantined.
  • Release Email - allowing user to release a specific email from a sender one time. Future emails from this sender might still be blocked.
  • Release & Approve - allows the user to have the desired message released immediately and adds the sender to the whitelist.
  • Block - adds the sender to the blocked sender list to ensure these messages are blocked regardless of content in the future.

An example Quarantine Digest report is shown below:

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